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Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer … it’s a scary thought and all too many women assume that it won’t happen to them. Fact is though, every ten minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK. So, don’t be ignorant, during breast cancer awareness month 2018 go for a medical checkup, it might save your life.

Early signs of breast cancer can be a lump in a breast, a painful breast or armpit, or a discharge from the nipple. Even if none of these symptoms present themselves, a doctor should be visited to be sure. A doctor will most likely perform a manual exam and send you for a mammogram. A mammogram examination is painless and only takes about ten minutes.

If any of these symptoms do present themselves there’s no need to panic. Plenty of time, pain or a lump in a breast can be perfectly harmless. The pain can be a sign of a cyst or the lump can be benign. It’s always better to be sure though.

If the mammogram shows a lump, your doctor will order a biopsy. This test will show if the lump is benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous). If the lump is cancerous there’s still no reason to panic. Early detection is a life saver. By way of a simple operation the lump is removed after which the doctor will discuss further options with you.

Call Seufert Law today for an experienced attorney to help with your case. Our attorneys offer a free consultation when you call today. We look forward to helping you seek the assistance during difficult times, we deal with insurance carriers and work on medical malpractice cases.

For more information and a free consultation with one of our attorneys, contact Seufert Law Offices, P.A. by calling (603) 934-9837 today.